
Trust Fund & VA Claim Assistance

Navy Veterans Trust Funds & VA Claims

Of the five military branches, the Navy was the leading asbestos consumer. Asbestos-containing products were relied upon as insulation and used to prevent fires on Navy ships and submarines. Due to frequent exposure, Navy veterans were and are still at risk of developing asbestos-related diseases.

Though asbestos was already a known carcinogen, seeing that as early as the 1930s it was clear that high occupational exposure was connected with debilitating lung conditions, such as asbestosis, asbestos usage in the military persisted.

The Navy was extremely reliant on asbestos use in the following areas:

The heavy use of asbestos put thousands of Navy personnel at risk, even those in administrative roles. Here are the Navy jobs that were at high risk of long-term asbestos exposure:

After their time in the service, many Navy veterans went on to work at jobs that further exposed them to asbestos, since the material was also used extensively in the construction and automotive industries and in factories.

Veterans who develop asbestos-related conditions are entitled to compensation. In addition to filing for veterans benefits with the U.S. military or government, veterans may also seek compensation by filing asbestos-related claims against asbestos trusts.

When filing a claim for asbestos trust fund compensation or VA benefits, it is highly recommended that you work with an experienced asbestos claims specialist. Documents you will likely need to produce in order to qualify for compensation include:

Call us if you need assistance filing a VA or asbestos trust fund claim. At Asbestos Vets, we have a strong track record of providing veterans with free asbestos screening. We'll be happy to guide you through the claim process and help you get the compensation you deserve.