Posted on 30th September, 2019

Individuals who were exposed to asbestos during their military career may compensation to treat service-related illnesses caused by airborne asbestos fibers. Veterans who volunteered to risk their lives for protecting U.S. interests and citizens are entitled to file claims long after they've been honorably discharged. The main benefits available for vets diagnosed with an asbestos-related illness include:
- Asbestos Trust Funds - Asbestos trust funds were developed by bankruptcy courts as a way for injured claimants or their family members to seek compensation for personal injury or wrongful death. Currently, there are about 60 active asbestos trust funds with over $30 billion available from which veterans severely injured by long-term asbestos exposure can request financial compensation.
- VA Disability Compensation - Through the VA's Disability Compensation program, veterans can receive a tax-free monthly income for medical and basic living expenses. The amounts depend on the severity of the disability and evaluated on a scale from 10 to 100, for example, a veteran suffering from mesothelioma will be assigned the maximum disability level due to the aggressive nature of the disease.
- Dependency and Indemnity Compensation - This benefit provided by the Department of Veterans Affair is another type of tax-free monetary benefit paid to eligible survivors of military service members whose death resulted from a service-related disease. The sum of money eligible survivors generally receive from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs is approximately $1,200, in the case of a surviving spouse, while the financial compensation increases for spouses with dependent children.
- Health care benefits to support long-term living requirements - To qualify for this benefit, a veteran must be enrolled in the VA's health care system. Only veterans who have a service-related disability, low income, and belong to a special group of veterans are eligible for receiving treatment at any VA hospital, regardless of their residence or whether they are already undergoing a form of treatment for mesothelioma.
Some veterans may also qualify for other additional benefits such as:
- Aid & Attendance
- Burial and memorial services
- Disability pensions
- Education and training
- Home loans
- Insurance policies
- Mental health assistance
- Personal health programs
- Preventative health care services
- Survivor benefits
Throughout their career, our experts helped thousands of veterans receive the compensation they deserve quickly and easily. Veterans with mesothelioma or other asbestos-related cancers and conditions can easily file for compensation and benefits with the help of our accredited consultants.